Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shin Ju

     Hey guys!

     I haven't been writing to my blog for a week because it was a weird week and I couldn't have any chance to write. So I'll write as I remember.

     On Monday we went to our new classes. They changed our classes because the final test is really close, so Josee became our new teacher. She tries to get us ready for the final test. However, I didn't like the new class because it's so hard for me and it's boring. Moreover, she is our all three sessions teacher. I hope she will be beneficial for me.

     After the school, Monica asked me if I wanted to have lunch with them and I said yes because I had to have some fun after a disaster weekend. Michael, Monica and we students went to the ShinJu, an Asian Buffet. There were lots of delicious things but also so disgusting things, too :D

     After the lunch, we came to the hotel by public bus and swam in the pool. When we were hungry, Janine, Janis and I went to the Wendy's to have dinner.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Hate EMILY!!!

     Hey guys!

     Emily is the of the storm which was in Florida this weekend and destroyed my weekend!! Anyway, let's look how it made my weekend terrible!


     In the morning Janis, Janine, Elly and I went to Dunkin' Donuts to have breakfast.

     And in the middle of the day I prepared my room for the party. Because the Guadeloupeans will tomorrow, I invited them to the hotel and we swam together in the pool. Then they left and we got so sad because we really loved each other.


     In the morning Janine, Janis and I went to Denny's for breakfast :D

     Then, I wanted to go to Broward Mall. However, because of the Emily it was raining and I had to wait for the bus for 20 mins. Then I arrived to the mall but it was so small and I decided to go to the BestBuy. Under the rain, I had to wait for the bus for 45 mins!!! BestBuy was also so small so I decided to go back but I waited 50 mins for the bus again!

     In short that was an awful day :/

Monday, August 8, 2011

Graduation & Kabooms !!!

     Hey guys!

     Today, we had to take the weekly test again. It was easier than the one last week. After the test we had some conversations and took some photos in the class.

     After the class, we had a graduation ceremony again. However, this time our lovely friends Guadeloupe guys graduated from the school :/ So, I'm kinda sad and I fell lonely :( Even pizza given after the graduation couldn't make me feel happy.

     When the graduation is over, we went to the Kabooms with Guadeloupe guys. It was good. We skated, played laser tag and paintball and we had unlimited coins to play games :D and pizzas were free!!! :D

     After the Kabooms, we spent our time in Jamie's room :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Laser Quest!

     Hey guys!

     Today, after school we went to Saw Grass with school. Because these are the last days of Guadeloupe guys, they wanted to buy something for their families. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop spending money and I spent more than $100 :(

     After school I wanted to spend sometime with Guadeloupes and went to the Laser Quest with them. In the first two games, I couldn't manage to play well but in the last game I was the second best player :D However, my flipper got broken while running :(

     When it was night, we went to Jamie's room and watched tv, listened to music, played poker and chatted. It was a good day :)

Hollywood Beach Day!!!

     Hey buddies!

     I don't know why, today I was much more tired than yesterday. Even though, I had a great sleep, I couldn't help myself falling asleep in Karen's class. I love her so much, the students tried to wake me up but she just let me sleep :)

     After the third session, the bus arrived and took us to the Hollywood Beach. It's great beach. The ocean is so warm and there is no stone under it. It's all sands. We swam some time and took a look at the shops.
Hollywood Beach

Emmy and Batuhan

Hollywood Beach



     When we got back to the hotel we did the same things; swimming in the pool, having dinner etc. :D Then, I went my room early cause I dont wanna sleep at classes anymore :D


Thursday, August 4, 2011

English Cafe - Scavender Hunt !!!

     Hey guys!

     Today, I was still tired. I think that's because of the Orlando trip. Therefore, I wasn't fully concentrated on lessons. Ed gave us our test results and Karen talked about heart diseases, heart transplants etc. Because I was extremely hungry, I didn't attend to third session and went to the Papa John's.

     After the lunch, there was an activity called English Cafe. In this activitiy, they gave us 15 questions and wanted us to give the right answers. However, questions were a bit weird. To illusturate, "How much does it cost to buy a large pizza and a beverage from PizzaLoft?" So, we had to go to the Pizza Loft and ask. We took a tour around the school to find out the answers. However, unfortunately we couldn't win and winner group won $5 ticket from Dunkin' Donuts.
My Lovely Team :D

     When I got to the hotel, I swam with my friends. We went to shopping. At night, we played Monopoly in Jamie's room and then got seperated to sleep.

The Day After WEEKEND

     Hey guys,

     Because we really got tired after the Orlando trip, there were no plans on the activitites schedule. Therefore, after school we came to the hotel and swam at the pool. Moreover, we went to Publix to buy something and that  was our all day. :/

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sea World!!!

     Hey guys!

     After a extremely enjoyable and tiring day, we woke up at 7.00 cause we had to have our breakfast until 8 a.m. At 8 o'clock our bus moved to the Sea World. We really enjoyed at Sea World, too. First, we did Manta.

Then, we went to the Kraken.

After Kraken, we did The Lost Atlantis.

One of the most important shows in the Sea World

Then we started to do the same rides again :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Graduation Party & Snorkelling !!!


     Hey guys!
     Today, unfortunately, Mr. Kubayanda was with us again :( However, he had no chance to speak cause we had to take a test :D We were pretty lucky :) Test was kinda hard because of Ed's vocabulary. He wrote the test himself and the test was so funny, he's funny even in test :D :D
I love you my people :) ACA-2,5

     After 2 sessions we had graduation party and all Brazilian group graduated and after graduation we all had pizzas :D So, we didn't have to pay for lunch LOL!

     When the bus arrived, we started to go to the Fort Lauderdale Beach since we were going to do snorkelling there. A boat drove us to deep side and stopped when we arrived. We jumped to the sea and started to look at fishes. The fishes were so big and they were not scared of us, they were all coming towards us. It was disgusting I think :D Anyway, after 45-50 mins, they took us to the bus again.
Kotono!!! :D

Jamie :D

Me :D

     When I got to the hotel, I met with my new roommate, Janis. He's a good guy but we don't know eachother very well now. At night, we had a party cause, Jaime was leaving next day. We are really glad to see him leaving cause he's really really stupid :D We had cake, candles, balloons and so farth. After the party we all went to bed cause tomorrow we're going to Orlando!!!

Island Of Adventure & Universal!!!

     Hey guys!

     Today, I woke up 5.30 cause Orlando is 3 hours away from Fort Lauderdale. Because we couldn't have enough sleep at night, we all slept on the road. We had breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts, and then went on our road. When we arrived I was really excited cause it was the best park I've ever seen in my life! I did Incredible Hulk and it was great!!

And then I did Jigsaw Falls...

And Jurassic Park River Adventure...

Then, Harry Potter!!!

Dragon Challenge...

After the Island of Adventure is finished, we went to the Universal Studios. There, we didn't do so many things cause it was late and we were tired...

First, we did mummy...

And then, I did Rip Ride RockIt!!!

After all, we went to hotel and fell asleep suddenly :D :D


     Hey guys!!!
     Today, Heliya and Kotono didn't come to the school cause they were sick in the morning. At the school, I was so tired I was nearly falling asleep in Ed's class. Imagine how I was tired ! There was pizza+bowling in the schedule today but I was planning not to join it. However, in some way I felt like doing it and wrote my name on the list. After school, we started to wait for the bus taking us to bowling center. While waiting, we decided to use  the computer lab to kill time.
Computer Lab

     No sooner had we arrived to the bowling center, than they brought us our pizzas and sodas. We had a right to eat pizza and drink sodas how much we want. When we finished our meal we started to play bowling. The winner of the first game was me and Marc won the second one. That was a lot of fun.

     When we arrived at the hotel, I swam in the pool like always and then I ate my hamburgers bought from McDonald's. I spent some time watching HIMYM, the Simpsons and the Family Guy. While I was fooling in front of my computer, Jamie asked me to go to the Taco Bell and I accepted. Therefore, we went to the Taco Bell but I didn't have anything cause I was already full. When, we were back we got seperated and slept :)