Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shin Ju

     Hey guys!

     I haven't been writing to my blog for a week because it was a weird week and I couldn't have any chance to write. So I'll write as I remember.

     On Monday we went to our new classes. They changed our classes because the final test is really close, so Josee became our new teacher. She tries to get us ready for the final test. However, I didn't like the new class because it's so hard for me and it's boring. Moreover, she is our all three sessions teacher. I hope she will be beneficial for me.

     After the school, Monica asked me if I wanted to have lunch with them and I said yes because I had to have some fun after a disaster weekend. Michael, Monica and we students went to the ShinJu, an Asian Buffet. There were lots of delicious things but also so disgusting things, too :D

     After the lunch, we came to the hotel by public bus and swam in the pool. When we were hungry, Janine, Janis and I went to the Wendy's to have dinner.

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