Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Island Of Adventure & Universal!!!

     Hey guys!

     Today, I woke up 5.30 cause Orlando is 3 hours away from Fort Lauderdale. Because we couldn't have enough sleep at night, we all slept on the road. We had breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts, and then went on our road. When we arrived I was really excited cause it was the best park I've ever seen in my life! I did Incredible Hulk and it was great!!

And then I did Jigsaw Falls...

And Jurassic Park River Adventure...

Then, Harry Potter!!!

Dragon Challenge...

After the Island of Adventure is finished, we went to the Universal Studios. There, we didn't do so many things cause it was late and we were tired...

First, we did mummy...

And then, I did Rip Ride RockIt!!!

After all, we went to hotel and fell asleep suddenly :D :D

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