Tuesday, August 2, 2011


     Hey guys!!!
     Today, Heliya and Kotono didn't come to the school cause they were sick in the morning. At the school, I was so tired I was nearly falling asleep in Ed's class. Imagine how I was tired ! There was pizza+bowling in the schedule today but I was planning not to join it. However, in some way I felt like doing it and wrote my name on the list. After school, we started to wait for the bus taking us to bowling center. While waiting, we decided to use  the computer lab to kill time.
Computer Lab

     No sooner had we arrived to the bowling center, than they brought us our pizzas and sodas. We had a right to eat pizza and drink sodas how much we want. When we finished our meal we started to play bowling. The winner of the first game was me and Marc won the second one. That was a lot of fun.

     When we arrived at the hotel, I swam in the pool like always and then I ate my hamburgers bought from McDonald's. I spent some time watching HIMYM, the Simpsons and the Family Guy. While I was fooling in front of my computer, Jamie asked me to go to the Taco Bell and I accepted. Therefore, we went to the Taco Bell but I didn't have anything cause I was already full. When, we were back we got seperated and slept :)

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