Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Graduation Party & Snorkelling !!!


     Hey guys!
     Today, unfortunately, Mr. Kubayanda was with us again :( However, he had no chance to speak cause we had to take a test :D We were pretty lucky :) Test was kinda hard because of Ed's vocabulary. He wrote the test himself and the test was so funny, he's funny even in test :D :D
I love you my people :) ACA-2,5

     After 2 sessions we had graduation party and all Brazilian group graduated and after graduation we all had pizzas :D So, we didn't have to pay for lunch LOL!

     When the bus arrived, we started to go to the Fort Lauderdale Beach since we were going to do snorkelling there. A boat drove us to deep side and stopped when we arrived. We jumped to the sea and started to look at fishes. The fishes were so big and they were not scared of us, they were all coming towards us. It was disgusting I think :D Anyway, after 45-50 mins, they took us to the bus again.
Kotono!!! :D

Jamie :D

Me :D

     When I got to the hotel, I met with my new roommate, Janis. He's a good guy but we don't know eachother very well now. At night, we had a party cause, Jaime was leaving next day. We are really glad to see him leaving cause he's really really stupid :D We had cake, candles, balloons and so farth. After the party we all went to bed cause tomorrow we're going to Orlando!!!

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