Thursday, August 4, 2011

English Cafe - Scavender Hunt !!!

     Hey guys!

     Today, I was still tired. I think that's because of the Orlando trip. Therefore, I wasn't fully concentrated on lessons. Ed gave us our test results and Karen talked about heart diseases, heart transplants etc. Because I was extremely hungry, I didn't attend to third session and went to the Papa John's.

     After the lunch, there was an activity called English Cafe. In this activitiy, they gave us 15 questions and wanted us to give the right answers. However, questions were a bit weird. To illusturate, "How much does it cost to buy a large pizza and a beverage from PizzaLoft?" So, we had to go to the Pizza Loft and ask. We took a tour around the school to find out the answers. However, unfortunately we couldn't win and winner group won $5 ticket from Dunkin' Donuts.
My Lovely Team :D

     When I got to the hotel, I swam with my friends. We went to shopping. At night, we played Monopoly in Jamie's room and then got seperated to sleep.

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