Friday, July 29, 2011

Free Day -Kind Of Boring :(

     Hey guys,

     Today I had no plan and also school had no plan for us. So, it was a regular day for me.

     Ed was soooooo funny like always. He has a lot of naughty jokes :P Karen was also OK again, I kinnda like her she's just like my mum. So sweet woman :) However, Don is getting worse and worse! Therefore, I talked about this with Barbara. Starting from next week, we'll have a new teacher, I think his name is Steven. We all were happy about this :D
McDonald's - Plantation

     Before coming to the hotel, Jamie took us to the McDonald's because it was $0.49 for each hamburger. Everybody bought 10 hamburgers, so we can eat them all week long :D

Monopoly USA - Electronic Banking :D

     When wwe arrived to the hotel, we played monopoly. Of course, we couldn't finish it because Batuhan had to go to buy a new laptop for his brother. However, I was about to win :P When it was night time, we met in the poolside and chatted but I went back a bit early cause I had to sleep.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shoppin' Time!!!

     Hey guys!
     Today started in a weird way. We got into the shuttle and it stopped at a gas station to buy gas. However, it didn't work. The driver told us that the shuttle was broken down, so we had to take the bus number 2. We waited for a time for the bus therefore, we were late for school. While waiting for the bus we took some group photos :D
Multinational Group :D

     The school was good today. Like always, Ed and Karen were so enjoyable :) And I attended to 3rd session today but I realized that it's so boring. We don't even need the teacher because we already chat without him. I asked other students if they like the teacher or not and they were all with me. We should change this teacher immediately.

Hey Stitch!
Gibson - Maestro

     When I was back to the hotel, we swam in the pool and then I went my room to sleep cuz I was really tired since I had been to the SawGrass Mill.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Regular Day 2 Have A Rest :)

     Hey guys!
     We didn't have anything special for today. Actually, there were a city tour today but I was exhausted so, I prefer to stay in the hotel. Fortunately, we're gonna have another city in next weeks so, I'll be able to join them. Anyway,  let's look what I did in that REGULAR day.

     Firstly, I should say that I'm glad to see the waffles woman again in the restaurant. I just started to think that she's fired or sick. Fortunately, she's OK and still with us :D After having breakfast, we went to the school and learnd that ACA-2,5/A and ACA-2,5/B are combined with each other. The good new is that Ed is our new teacher. He's the best teacher in the school and he's so funny. In the next posts I'm planning to share a photo of him. He's the best teacher that I've ever seen. And in the 2nd session Karen was with us and she's a really good person, too. At least I didn't get bored in her class. We talked about stress, its harms and so farth. And we didn't attend to the 3rd session cuz Dan is still with us and I don't like him.
In front of the TALK International

     Anyway, after the school we visited the library to hire some music CDs. So, we went to the Campus side and ate sandwiches from Subway then, went to the library. There weren't so much to hire as popular music so I didn't hire anything.
The Library of the NSU

     When we were back to the hotel, we started swimming as usual. Then, I invited my friends to my room and we played poker, smoked hookah and listened to music. Saeed made me think to buy Iphone4. Normally, I was gonna buy a Blackberry Torch but he introduced me Iphone4 in a very detailed way, so I thought better of it.

     After the meeting, we went to the Publix and I bought some bread, peanut butter and some cheese so I can make sandwiches by myself :D I'm kinda bored of eating outside everyday. No sooner had we been back to the hotel, we started playing okey on Facebook. That was funny because even though we were in the same room. Then we got bored and suddenly decided to go to the swimming pool. That was a crazy idea cuz the pool was already closed. However, we went to the pool and started swimming, then somebody came and warned us. So we had to go to our rooms. We're gonna swim in the morning, before going to the school again :)


Monday, July 25, 2011

Nice Weekend

     Hello again!
     It's really hard to write here daily, so I'm writing the whole weekend in one post :)

Westfield - Broward Mall

F*cking Chinese Restaurant 

 On saturday, there were a city tour which I didn't attend. I didn't go because I was really tired that day so I chose to sleep. I woke at 12 in the moon and at 2pm I went to the Best Buy to buy a video camera. I bought a Sony Handycam. Then I spent some time in the pool. In the evening Heliya and I were really hungry so we went to the Westfield Broward Mall. Unfortunately it had been closed before we arrived and we saw only one restaurant opened around there. It was called "Jade Garden Restaurant". However, there was a surprise waiting for us. When we entered that place we realized that it's a chinese restaurant and I hate chinese restaurants. So, no sooner had we got in, than we exitted :D However, we had to wait for the bus for an hour and we were starving! Finally, we took a bus, arrived to the hotel and met our hunger.

Ft. Lauderdale Beach

Ft. Lauderdale Beach

Dasha - Bestian - Asami

     Sunday was Jamie's free day and he took us to the Ft. Lauderdale Beach. The beach was absolutely good and the weather was extremely hot. So, we swam a lot. However, I forgot my mp4 player in the pocket of my swimsuit, so it's not working anymore. Anyway, I would buy another one from here and I have a reason now :D After the beach we turned back to the hotel and spent our time in the pool. When the pool is closed at 10 pm I invited everybody to my room and we played poker together.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

BBQ @ Miami Beach

     Finally, my alarm worked and I needed it :D I woke up with the alarm, prepared my bag and went downstairs for breakfast. However, the lovely woman was not there again! I kinda miss her cause I had to have a jeally bread again, but I wanted waffles :D

     In the first session at school, we talked about the party last night. Everybody sait that it had been a boring one. I was glad to hear that cause I thought so. And we had a weekly test which was pretty hard. And in the second Vivien was with us again. We actually didn't want Mr. Kubalaya again, so we're happy. She  brought a TV with her and made us watch TV Series. The artist and actresses were British so that was kinda hard to understand them. There were no 3rd session again cause there was a graduation ceremony. Almost all Turkish guys have graduated and gone to Turkey. I'm missing them, they were funny but they didn't help improving my English.

Graduation Ceremony - Jamie and Barbara talking
     Anyway, after school they drove us to the Miami Beach to have a BBQ. No sooner had we arrived to the beach, then we walked to a shopping center to buy a swimsuit for other Batuhan cause he had forgotten to bring it with him. When we came back, we ate Monica's delicious hamburgers and hot dogs. They were extremely delicious. After the meal, we played volleyball and swam. The ocean was warm, I didn't expect it. However, it was rainy and it made it boring. So, Heliya, Batuhan and I went to the Saw Grass to shop.

     It was a long journey and we were hungry again. So, as soon as we got into the mall, we run to Burger King :D After we enjoyed our meal, we went to thev Target which is a really big supermarket like Migros in Turkey but much much bigger. I wanted to buy a video camera but I should check the costs in Best Buy. So I'm gonna buy it tomorrow.
Playing poker in Jamie's room

     In the hotel, we played poker in Jamie's room. Then our pizzas came from PapaJones. We ate it while chatting and then, we got seperated to our rooms to sleep.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Terrible Accent, Cheap Things 2 Buy And A Disaster Party!

            Hey guys!
            Today I woke up very early again. Even though I had set the alarm to 7.30 am, I woke up at 6 am. I spent some time on computer and on my homework cause couldn’t find any time to do it. Then I walked downstairs but couldn’t see the lovely woman who makes us waffle. So I didn’t have waffle instead, I had some jealy bread like yesterday.

            When we got to the school, Vavien checked our homeworks and we chatted a lot. She is really funny and she tells us a lot of stories about herself. After chatting, we revised what we had learnt yesterday. Then, Michael was not with us beacuse of a reason and his space was filled by Mr. Kubayana. Not only was he boring, but he also had a terrible accent. I think this is because of he is from Ghana. After that boring lesson fortunetaly, there were no 3rd session, instead of it we had International Food Day. I didn’t cook anything but Turks cooked Çiğ Köfte, Liver and Çerkez Tavuğu. They weren’t delicious at all, anyway.
International Food Day

            After the school, Jamie took us to the Swap Shop where the things are cheaper than any other places. I didn’t buy anything because I couldn’t be sure that the things sold are original or not but I was hungry and luckily there was a Subway in it. But before eating we played some atari games with Heliya. We danced, we played guitar and so farth.
Jamie :)

Swap Shop
Just Dance :)

Rock'n Roll Baby!!

            When we were back at hotel we swam a bit with other Batuhan and he wanted to buy a playstation 2 to spend some time joyfully. He bought it but it didn’t work. So we decided to swim again :) After swimming in the pool we joined  a disco party in our hotel bar. There were all the students in the school but no DJ! The songs were not good at all, so it was a disaster I think. I left the party in an early time and slept.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Being In The Classroom Again

     I didn't understand why but my alarm didn't work today, and I was about to be late for the school. I quicky got ready and went downstairs to have my breakFAST! I had some jealy bread and a glass of orange juice. When we arrived to the school, they gave us our exam results and told me that I am in the higest class, which is ACA 2,5 B.
     When I got into the classroom, I was nervous a bit because there were a lot of old people in the classroom. They all are in Miami to learn English. The first teacher was Vavien who is a really funny woman. She has a great prononciaton and sometimes she makes her voice really strange :D She tought us something new. I have never heard about them when I was in prep school. It's all because they teach us academic english in Turkey. Anyway, our second teacher was Michael who is also the guy planning all the trips. He is really funny too but he is better than Vavien. Sometimes she can be a bit boring but Michael's lessons are always enjoyable. And the last teacher was Don who is really boring! Even though he should be teaching us how to speak fluently, we couldn't speak even a word. We just read some sheets and that's all. I hope he'll be better and we'll talk a bit.

     After the third session was over, they took us to the SawGrass which is the biggest shopping mall in Florida. It's a really good shopping center. It has only one floor but it's giant. I didn't buy anything for now but next time I'm gonna buy lots of things :) I just checked the costs and I'm gonna go with money and buy them :D I had Burger King there! Burger King is always delicious in all countries I think :D
Agent P

     When we came back to the hotel, we went to the Publix as usual to buy something. We decided to eat sandwich with tuna fish as dinner instead of going to a restaurant. We bought the needed ingredients and prepare our meal in Heliya's room. Meal was really delicious and we decided to repeat tomorrow. Then, we chatted some and went our rooms to have a rest.

First Day In School

            Hey guys!
            Even if I had not sleep 42 hours before arriving in Miami, I wake up at 6 am today. Because the shuttle is at 8.30 am, I spent my time in my room in front of the computer while drinking a cup of coffee. When it was 8 am, I went downstairs to have breakfast. When I was in restaurant I was a bit nervaus because there were a lot of things that I’ve never seen before in the breakfast. Thank to god, a woman saw me and understood that I’m new and she helped me a lot. She prepared my waffle while telling me what the foods are on the desk. When I was having my breakfast, Heliya, Elnaz and Onat came and joined me.

            When it was 8.30, Jamie drove us to the Nova Southeastern University by shuttle. The people in the were really lovely, they were all cheering. Barbara, one of the teachers, showed us the class where we took our exam in. After the exam, she also talk about the policies, rules and some other stuff about the TALK International. Then, another teacher Monica showed us the school library, gym and the pool. We got our ID cards together.
Shark Shuttle

Nova Southeastern University
           After the tour around the school, we were starving but had to stay other students to have lunch. When school finished, Jamie took us to Wendy’s where very delicious hamburger are made. I had chickenburger because I do not wanna eat any pork or bacon. After the lunch we were taken to the hotel again to celebrate Onat’s birthday.
A lake we saw while walking through the university street

While walking to the Wendy's


Pool Party for Onat

            We met near the pool of the hotel and had a pool party. Actually, we wanted to have BBQ but the weather did not allow us because it was rainy. We swam under the rain. After a hour, we got hungry again and went to the restaurant we had gone yesterday: Denny’s. I ate chicken wrap which was a really delicious meal. After the dinner, we had some conversation with Jammy and afterall, we all went our rooms.   

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Here We Go!

    Hey guys,
    Finally, the big day has arrived and my journey has started. I'm in Miami now, in my room at Quality Inn Hotel. As I imagined while creating this site, I'm going to share my Miami moments with you. Because I came here to improve my English, first times you might probably see many mistakes in my writings. Please don't mind :) So, let's start with the flight, and then go on with the first half day in Miami.

     First, I started to fly from Atatürk Airport to Rome International by an Alitalia plane. That was not a very big plane, actually the service was not good, either. It took 2 hours to arrive in Rome. In Rome International we had time to eat something, actually we had to have some time to eat something because they didn't give any food us while we were flying. We ate pizza margarita and that was delicious.

     Secondly, I went on flying by another Alitalia plane this time. This one was much bigger than the other one, and the service was much better, too. However, that was a really boring flight, because it took more than 11 hours to reach Miami from Rome. Even though, I tried to sleep, I couldn't manage most of the time. I spent time listening to music. As I told  you, the service was much better, we had the chance to vegetarian lazagne.

     After spending more than 11 hours in the air, we landed to Miami International. There, a man named Aragon was waiting for us. He drove us to the hotel we'll stay, he had a great car ;) Then, I took my keys and went to the room to get ready for the dinner. We went to Denny's where is next to our hotel to have dinner. When I got there I was shocked, because the waitress was a Turkish guy! The dinner was really delicious. I got Chicken Salad with Italian Sauce. Denny's is a really good restaurant to eat ;)
Having Dinner With Jamie and Onat

     After dinner, we walked around the shopping centers near to hotel. We bought some important stuff.


     After all, we turned back our rooms to have a sleep. I haven't slept for 42 hours and I have school tomorrow. So, I'm going to my bed to have a great sleep, see you later. Bye...