Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Here We Go!

    Hey guys,
    Finally, the big day has arrived and my journey has started. I'm in Miami now, in my room at Quality Inn Hotel. As I imagined while creating this site, I'm going to share my Miami moments with you. Because I came here to improve my English, first times you might probably see many mistakes in my writings. Please don't mind :) So, let's start with the flight, and then go on with the first half day in Miami.

     First, I started to fly from Atatürk Airport to Rome International by an Alitalia plane. That was not a very big plane, actually the service was not good, either. It took 2 hours to arrive in Rome. In Rome International we had time to eat something, actually we had to have some time to eat something because they didn't give any food us while we were flying. We ate pizza margarita and that was delicious.

     Secondly, I went on flying by another Alitalia plane this time. This one was much bigger than the other one, and the service was much better, too. However, that was a really boring flight, because it took more than 11 hours to reach Miami from Rome. Even though, I tried to sleep, I couldn't manage most of the time. I spent time listening to music. As I told  you, the service was much better, we had the chance to vegetarian lazagne.

     After spending more than 11 hours in the air, we landed to Miami International. There, a man named Aragon was waiting for us. He drove us to the hotel we'll stay, he had a great car ;) Then, I took my keys and went to the room to get ready for the dinner. We went to Denny's where is next to our hotel to have dinner. When I got there I was shocked, because the waitress was a Turkish guy! The dinner was really delicious. I got Chicken Salad with Italian Sauce. Denny's is a really good restaurant to eat ;)
Having Dinner With Jamie and Onat

     After dinner, we walked around the shopping centers near to hotel. We bought some important stuff.


     After all, we turned back our rooms to have a sleep. I haven't slept for 42 hours and I have school tomorrow. So, I'm going to my bed to have a great sleep, see you later. Bye...


  1. I'm really happy as I read that nothing was bad about your trip and miami till now, and i'm also waiting for your comments regarding school. have a nice holiday batu! :)

  2. Yeah, I'm really happy that I'm alright, too. I went to school today and took an exam. I'm writing about today before I'm going bed :)
