Sunday, July 24, 2011

BBQ @ Miami Beach

     Finally, my alarm worked and I needed it :D I woke up with the alarm, prepared my bag and went downstairs for breakfast. However, the lovely woman was not there again! I kinda miss her cause I had to have a jeally bread again, but I wanted waffles :D

     In the first session at school, we talked about the party last night. Everybody sait that it had been a boring one. I was glad to hear that cause I thought so. And we had a weekly test which was pretty hard. And in the second Vivien was with us again. We actually didn't want Mr. Kubalaya again, so we're happy. She  brought a TV with her and made us watch TV Series. The artist and actresses were British so that was kinda hard to understand them. There were no 3rd session again cause there was a graduation ceremony. Almost all Turkish guys have graduated and gone to Turkey. I'm missing them, they were funny but they didn't help improving my English.

Graduation Ceremony - Jamie and Barbara talking
     Anyway, after school they drove us to the Miami Beach to have a BBQ. No sooner had we arrived to the beach, then we walked to a shopping center to buy a swimsuit for other Batuhan cause he had forgotten to bring it with him. When we came back, we ate Monica's delicious hamburgers and hot dogs. They were extremely delicious. After the meal, we played volleyball and swam. The ocean was warm, I didn't expect it. However, it was rainy and it made it boring. So, Heliya, Batuhan and I went to the Saw Grass to shop.

     It was a long journey and we were hungry again. So, as soon as we got into the mall, we run to Burger King :D After we enjoyed our meal, we went to thev Target which is a really big supermarket like Migros in Turkey but much much bigger. I wanted to buy a video camera but I should check the costs in Best Buy. So I'm gonna buy it tomorrow.
Playing poker in Jamie's room

     In the hotel, we played poker in Jamie's room. Then our pizzas came from PapaJones. We ate it while chatting and then, we got seperated to our rooms to sleep.

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