Thursday, July 21, 2011

First Day In School

            Hey guys!
            Even if I had not sleep 42 hours before arriving in Miami, I wake up at 6 am today. Because the shuttle is at 8.30 am, I spent my time in my room in front of the computer while drinking a cup of coffee. When it was 8 am, I went downstairs to have breakfast. When I was in restaurant I was a bit nervaus because there were a lot of things that I’ve never seen before in the breakfast. Thank to god, a woman saw me and understood that I’m new and she helped me a lot. She prepared my waffle while telling me what the foods are on the desk. When I was having my breakfast, Heliya, Elnaz and Onat came and joined me.

            When it was 8.30, Jamie drove us to the Nova Southeastern University by shuttle. The people in the were really lovely, they were all cheering. Barbara, one of the teachers, showed us the class where we took our exam in. After the exam, she also talk about the policies, rules and some other stuff about the TALK International. Then, another teacher Monica showed us the school library, gym and the pool. We got our ID cards together.
Shark Shuttle

Nova Southeastern University
           After the tour around the school, we were starving but had to stay other students to have lunch. When school finished, Jamie took us to Wendy’s where very delicious hamburger are made. I had chickenburger because I do not wanna eat any pork or bacon. After the lunch we were taken to the hotel again to celebrate Onat’s birthday.
A lake we saw while walking through the university street

While walking to the Wendy's


Pool Party for Onat

            We met near the pool of the hotel and had a pool party. Actually, we wanted to have BBQ but the weather did not allow us because it was rainy. We swam under the rain. After a hour, we got hungry again and went to the restaurant we had gone yesterday: Denny’s. I ate chicken wrap which was a really delicious meal. After the dinner, we had some conversation with Jammy and afterall, we all went our rooms.   

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