Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Terrible Accent, Cheap Things 2 Buy And A Disaster Party!

            Hey guys!
            Today I woke up very early again. Even though I had set the alarm to 7.30 am, I woke up at 6 am. I spent some time on computer and on my homework cause couldn’t find any time to do it. Then I walked downstairs but couldn’t see the lovely woman who makes us waffle. So I didn’t have waffle instead, I had some jealy bread like yesterday.

            When we got to the school, Vavien checked our homeworks and we chatted a lot. She is really funny and she tells us a lot of stories about herself. After chatting, we revised what we had learnt yesterday. Then, Michael was not with us beacuse of a reason and his space was filled by Mr. Kubayana. Not only was he boring, but he also had a terrible accent. I think this is because of he is from Ghana. After that boring lesson fortunetaly, there were no 3rd session, instead of it we had International Food Day. I didn’t cook anything but Turks cooked Çiğ Köfte, Liver and Çerkez Tavuğu. They weren’t delicious at all, anyway.
International Food Day

            After the school, Jamie took us to the Swap Shop where the things are cheaper than any other places. I didn’t buy anything because I couldn’t be sure that the things sold are original or not but I was hungry and luckily there was a Subway in it. But before eating we played some atari games with Heliya. We danced, we played guitar and so farth.
Jamie :)

Swap Shop
Just Dance :)

Rock'n Roll Baby!!

            When we were back at hotel we swam a bit with other Batuhan and he wanted to buy a playstation 2 to spend some time joyfully. He bought it but it didn’t work. So we decided to swim again :) After swimming in the pool we joined  a disco party in our hotel bar. There were all the students in the school but no DJ! The songs were not good at all, so it was a disaster I think. I left the party in an early time and slept.

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